Orchids' Petals
Discover the Beauty
of orchids with Orchids'Petals -New Brunswick's Premier Orchid Producer- committed to protect their ecosystem while promoting home gardening and fine art.
OP offers comprehensive insights into orchid reproduction, habitat, and characteristics, aiming to personalize services for its valued customers. Our commitment revolves around upholding the highest standards of quality across all our operations.

OP views the preservation and perpetuation of orchid species and their environment as a vital responsibility, necessitating ongoing attention to ecological concerns and responsible commercial practices. We celebrate diverse cultures and foster a shared enthusiasm for plants and gardening among individuals.

OP provides an enriching environment for observation and learning. It cultivates a sense of enjoyment and exploration in its patrons, fostering heightened artistic awareness and cultural insight.
Euge paintings
Business hours: by appointment: +1 (506) 476-1176
Abaut Us
Contact Us

1184 Route 105,
Douglas, NB,
E3G 7K1, Canada.
Ph.+1 (506) 457 6293
Cell.+1 (506) 476 1176
Fx.+1 (506) 457 6293

Discover the Beauty
of orchids with Orchids'Petals -New Brunswick's Premier Orchid Producer- committed to protect their ecosystem while promoting home gardening and fine art.
Euge paintings OP offers comprehensive insights into orchid reproduction, habitat, and characteristics, aiming to personalize services for its valued customers. Our commitment revolves around upholding the highest standards of quality across all our operations.

OP views the preservation and perpetuation of orchid species and their environment as a vital responsibility, necessitating ongoing attention to ecological concerns and responsible commercial practices. We celebrate diverse cultures and foster a shared enthusiasm for plants and gardening among individuals.

OP provides an enriching environment for observation and learning. It cultivates a sense of enjoyment and exploration in its patrons, fostering heightened artistic awareness and cultural insight.
Business hours: by appointment: +1 (506) 476-1176